DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

please note our phone number has changed New #:303-968-6691

Temperament tests and notes
3 day notes
3 week plus ENS notes
Smaller boned and more refined. This is the only puppy in the temp tests to vacalize loudly, three times, when placed back in the nest. When placed on the scale she turned first one way then the other, head bobbing vigorously. Tolerated being turned over but when she was done she was done, flipping herself back over in a smooth motion. Her black mask seems to be turning slate grey, little pink nose.
score 5-6 Collar color - pink weight 17 oz.
At three weeks little Abby was really struggling. (See litter notes) She has remained smaller and less dominant than her siblings, and was challenged at remaining on the teat long enough to get a full belly. As a result she became weak quickly. We started separating her so she could feed by herself. We enjoyed this bonding time - Abby, Balo and I. Occasionally we supplemented her mommy feeding with puppy milk replacer. Temperament testing and ENS were not performed as she needed rest and food at that point.
Score - 5-6* Clean legs (no rear dewclaws) weight 2.3 lbs!!!!
As of this writing (4 weeks) she can be scored at 5-6, with note that these results are skewed because of all the handling. It's a common result of malnutrition rehab that the animal will become panicky when they are hungry. She does have a higher anxiety around meal time. We will be working extensively with her in the next few weeks to bring her up to speed with her littermates. Currently, she will not be offered for rehome until I can be certain she has a stable temperament.
6 week notes plus Score card
6 week temp test notes: *sigh* I just don't know what to say about this pup. Any temp tests we give will always be skewed from the true personality as she's been separated from the other pups for so long she's starting to act like a singleton pup. Spoiled rotten. throws temper tantrums like if she were human this would be the toddler on the grocery store aisle floor screaming his head off. She has pretty bad cowhock positioning in her rear legs. She's still small but has all the movements appropriate for her age. As of this writing she has rejoined her siblings for supervised periods during the day. With my help she engages in play and eats with the others normally. We'll keep her around until we have a solid idea of the best way for her to thrive in her furever home. Not scored