DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

please note our phone number has changed New #:303-968-6691

But it feels like 600 by the expression on her face

Colorado Mountain Dog in the Timbers of Fennario Kennels Evergreen Colorado

But it feels like 600 by the expression on her face
Temperament tests and notes
Aoxomoxoa 7/25/23
One year notes: Baloo will be expecting her first litter on her birthday, July 28th 2023. She and King Solomon's Marbles had their trist over a two day period. We have put a TON of work into this girl and she is still way more excitable than I would like. Her scores all the way down have come to 5-6 and will need continual exercising of the brain to maintain the happy balance she has come to. I expect she will need a large amount of tender loving care for this litter because she is still a nervous nellie about handled. She has a strong pain threshold, touch sensitivity scores 7-8. Its her emotions that need the paw holding and reassurance. She is the prettiest most unique looking dog I have ever laid eyes on. More so than Mithril she has a better coat and is sharper instead of rounded like her dad. She has inherited her parents stellar health background, I have not as yet had a concern with her physically. She has matured nicely and I have reached a happy balance with her that allows for her to be an easy keeper. Excpet for the barknig in the morning. Still happens, but incresingly at a lower pitch and in shorter spurts.
Six month notes: using temperament score table her scores have improved to a 5-6 in social categories but have dropped to 3-4 in the doggie categories. She has taken to barking in the morning before turn out. It is sharp and continuous. Bringing her up at this point is not a possibility as we have two litters in the house right now and it is VERY cold out. So she has to stay in the warmed barn overnight. Any sort of corrective measures will affect the rest of the dogs down there who are being very good. So...we let her bark. In a manner it is a good experiment in getting to know these lines. As a breeder, I am concerned with the inheritable behavior of the dog. Whats it born with and where will it go? behaviorwise. Too much training or behavior modification into my dogs and I lose sight of the true nature of the animal. Health has been outstanding and she is respectful of boundaries, and non destructive. If secured in a kennel with no forewarning Baloo will choose to bark instead of pushing or climbing fences. She doesn't dig much nor does she mess with counters or human parts of the house. Scored 5-6 for mostcategories between 15 and 20. Runs quickly through flight and freeze never reaches fight. Her coat will be exactly like her dad's - perhaps even more deep than Mithril's Blue. Think Navy instead of Blue if she were a Crayola Crayon.
12 week notes: using the temperament score table, her scores in the social categories (1-7) are lingering around 3-4 . She lacks confidence and would rather leave than try. No aggression what so ever she shares her food and toys, OR will easily relinquish to a higher driven puppy. She is GORGEOUS, inside and out. Health has been wonderful, she can switch foods of common protiens easily.
3 day notes
3 week plus ENS notes
6 week notes plus Score card
Baloo is a typical female. Busy busy. Always something to do. A big heavy puppy I can't WAIT to meet her when she gets older. Right now she is all her own dog, not willing to share her time. Struggled for turning over, squeeled during the dangle. score 3-4 collar color: red weight 21 oz.
Baloo has had some trouble adjusting to life. Unique in my experience this little puppy will flip herself upside down and SCREAMS even when lightly touched. If she is picked up she recovers slowly once replaced. Performing ENS on her is almost impossible.
Score 1-2 clean legs weight
ENS days 5 through 11
We've been through the full gammit of exercises and puppy character builders the past three weeks. With the advice of colleagues at Colorado University Veterinary dept. and fellow CMD breeders, we were able to bring Baloo up to a level of intellect we can work with. She is still very squirrelly but can be handled and has a good time with her siblings. She sure is beautiful. Her structure is nice and square, she will have a very nice face, marked distinctly and her eyes will be ringed.