DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

please note our phone number has changed New #:303-968-6691
Puppy and Adult Training - in house
We offer training on most of the dogs and puppies we place. From puppy obedience to socializing and exposure, we want to make the transition and fur ever life to be the best that it can be. For Service tasks and Therapy Dog skill sets please see "TRAINING" in the top menu

Choose a program
Offered to pups younger than 6 months
Select one program for cost of puppy + $450
Combine 2 programs for Cost of puppy+ $800
E-Containment system
Pups are taught to stay within boundaries set by flags placed up to a 3/4 acre radius. The remote system uses a safe, pain free static charge to dissuade the pup from approaching the flags. Pup will come with unit. Trainer support includes home visit or remote zoom training. 3 weeks
Crate training
Pups are taught to be comfortable with a kennel for meal times and overnight. Housebreaking can be started with this option, but the results cannot be guaranteed without some transitional training by the new owner. 4 weeks
Light leash work
Pups are taught to use an "Easy-walk" harness for the basics of heeling and walking in sync with people without pulling. Basic obedience commands are started and pups are taught to auto-sit.
3 weeks
Travel preparedness
Feeling safe and secure on the road is important for both you and your canine travel comapnion. Pups will be taught to travel comfortably in either a crate or seat belt (your choice) and be comfortable taking potty breaks on leash. 3 weeks