DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

please note our phone number has changed New #:303-968-6691

"Franklin's Tower" - Frankie
Colorado Mountain Dog
Reg # FEN700-BFA2-9 Female
CMDR Registration # - TOF022F0031G2
D.O.B - 12/26/22
Sire: W2E Mithril Dam: In'Sh'Allah"
Temperament tests and notes
3 day notes
3 week plus ENS notes
6 week notes plus Score card
​Arrived late night with no fanfare. Quick and quiet, she was nursing before I had her cleaned up completely. Self sufficient. Over the first three days I barely see her, having to move the other pups or InShAllahs tail to find her. Temp tests were perfectly predictable. Dove into a pile of her siblings when placed back in the nest and I didn't see her again for hours.
score 7-8 collar color: red weight 15 oz
Relaxed and quiet for most of the test. G.runted and paddled her front feet for the dangle. Tolerant of the turn over but righted herself and ran for cover when it was over. Flinched, then curious about the dropped object. Small feminine build, slender skull.
Score: 7-8 dew claws x 1 each rear leg Weight 6.6 lbs
Aloof and not reactive to the commotion of the temperament tests. Didn't volunteer much reaction and was startled by the sound and sight sensitivity. Unengaged but not entirely resistant to handling. Pretty medium length coat. Going to be small.
Score: 5-6 weight: 11 lbs

Colorado Mountain Dog TOF Frankie - (Mithril x InShAllah)

Female Colorado Mountain Dog 1 1/2 yrs old

Colorado Mountain Dog puppies at one week old. w2E "Mithril" x UUUElevation of CNK.

Colorado Mountain Dog TOF Frankie - (Mithril x InShAllah)