DOG LIFE Canine professional Breeder of The CMDR Colorado Mountain Dogs
Rocky Mountain Companion Dogs, LLC

please note our phone number has changed New #:303-968-6691

Upcoming Litter - Mars Hotel
TOF St. Stephen x OUM Standing on the MOON

Due September 2024 - This pairing is being made with a focus on improvement in bone structure. Skull and rear angulation will be prevalent in our selection to move into future generations. Moon's feminine phenotype will be improved by St Stephens large proportions, bringing Auggie's lines a little closer to CMDR Colorado Mountain Dog standard. Temperament for these pups will be closer to Colorado Mountain Dog standards as well, having good discernment and a definitive ability to get along well with lots of creatures around them around them. Oh....and they will be exceptionally beautiful.

Reservations are OPEN for this litter
1. Fennario pick
2. Fennario pick
3. Open
4. Open
Updated 3/5/24
Learn more about
What We Expect to
Achieve with this litter
Stephen hails from service dog lines, which is obvious within the first few minutes of meeting him. He will physically move himself to gain eye contact. Cocking his head while you talk to him, it is easy to become convinced Stephen understands English. MOON is a patient, demure and compliant girl that catalogues every new experience and every novel object. She's keen to hang out with her people with no desire to leave her comfy homestead.
These pups will have a gentle unassuming nature about them. A deep understanding of the world around them and their part in it.
The litter will range in adult size from 70 lbs to 120 lbs possible for some males.
Colors - 50% of the puppies will have black masks, varying shades of fawn sable with a potential of wolf sable. 25% of the pups potentially solid white. There will be little to no white spotting.
25% of the puppies will be light tan to white in color.
25% of the puppies will be tuxedo black.
All pups will have rear dew claws
50% of the puppies will inherit their moms one copy of CT1. Care must be taken with future pairings.
This pairing has a Coeffcient of inbreeding of 0% by pedigree AVK ancestor loss is 90% average by pedigree. Common ancestor is FD Caspian. COI by DNA TBD
Color size coat type
Variations of red/platinum and silver wolf sable. Medium/long coat. 80 lbs for females, 100+ for males with the possibility of Xlarge 150+ size. Tall, slender and athletic structure.
Stephen's Health history
EXCELLENT. This boy has given me no issues what so ever. This spring we had a RS virus try to take hold - his body kicked it out without antibiotics. No allergies or diet restrictions.
MOON's Health History
She has shown a strong constitution with no obvious issues. Although raw food will cause her loose stools, seems every other type of food is tolerated beautifully. Excellent dentition.

The Mars Hotel litter will be 3 generations away from TOF Foundation Dogs
Auggie, Inshallah, Bonnie and Mithril.
All grandparents but Auggie are registered with the CMDR Colorado Mountain Dog Registry. Our hope is that we will have the standard temperament, reliable function, body shape/size of the CMDR Colorado Mountain Dog standard. We will be presenting these pups (once proven) for CMDR registration when they reach 1 year old.

When the litter is born, this grid will have individual pictures with links to their individual personal pages.
When the litter is born, and for the next eight weeks, notes will be kept here, updates periodically an average of once a week.